A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

Reports: all content

Showing 121 – 140 of 1348 results

Emergency ambulance

Public spending, pay and pensions

The public sector pay settlements announced this July will pose severe budgetary challenges for many areas of government.

8 October 2022


Education inequalities

We look at shifts in the education landscape in the UK and its impact on inequalities.

16 August 2022

Child playing with blocks

Families and inequalities

Families play a key role in nurturing, socialising and supporting children. Britain has seen marked changes in partnership and parenting behaviours.

28 July 2022

Child playing with paint

Early childhood inequalities


Through the lottery of birth, children are born into different socio-economic circumstances and grow up in environments that are remarkably different from each other. This report looks at inequalities in early childhood in the UK.

23 June 2022

An image of adults at a lecture

Adult education: the past, present and future


In the last decade, there have been significant cuts to spending on adult education and large falls in the numbers of adult learners, particularly amongst those taking low-level qualifications.

13 June 2022