A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

Reports: all content

Showing 141 – 160 of 1348 results

Kids in childcare

The changing cost of childcare


We discuss how the cost of childcare has changed over time, and how it varies across the country and between different types of families.

20 May 2022

Exam hall

The impact of student loan minimum eligibility requirements


We consider who would be affected by each of the proposed MERs, and then assess whether the introduction of a minimum eligibility requirement is likely to achieve the government’s stated aim of ensuring that ‘students undertaking degree study have attained the baseline skills required to engage with and benefit from the course’.

27 April 2022

Warehouse worker

Job opportunities after the pandemic


We reflect on the current state of the labour market and ask whether the composition of jobs demanded looks different in ways which could affect the careers of workers.

25 April 2022

Warehouse worker

Labour market inequality


We consider key factors that have shaped labour market inequality in the United Kingdom over the last four decades, with a focus on technological changes and skill demand, labour market institutions and contract regulation.

15 March 2022

Train line

Response to government's Levelling Up White Paper


The Levelling Up White Paper is just the latest of efforts to tackle regional inequalities. What does it tell us about this government’s approach? And how likely is it to succeed where others have failed?

4 February 2022

Empty wallet

The risk of pension inattention in a DC world


We shed light on the issue that ‘deferred’ pensions that people no longer contribute to might provide declining value for money over time if people do not engage with them.

1 February 2022