The aims of the Institute, laid out in its Memorandum and Articles, are to "advance education for the benefit of the public by promoting on a non-political basis the study and discussion of and the exchange and dissemination of information and knowledge concerning the economic and social effects and influences of existing taxes, proposed changes in fiscal systems and other aspects of public policy, in each case whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere in the world".
The Institute for Fiscal Studies is a company, limited by guarantee and registered in England at 7 Ridgmount Street, London, WC1E 7AE (company registration number 954616). It is also a registered charity, number 258815.
How we are governed
The IFS employs directly some 60 staff based at its offices in London. Research staff are divided into sectors and a small core of finance, communications, technical and secretarial staff provides support facilities. Responsibility for management of the Institute lies with the director, who works with the research director to provide intellectual leadership of the research programme.
In addition, around 20 senior academic staff are seconded by the Institute from UK universities on a part-time basis. Other academics from both UK and overseas institutions work with the staff as Research Fellows and Research Associates on an ad-hoc collaborative basis.
Some key IFS policies are available here.
Trustees and Council
IFS governance receives oversight from its board of Trustees and its Council.