Lord Gus O'Donnell: all content

Showing 1 – 6 of 6 results

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IFS Annual Lecture: Gus O'Donnell - "The Covid Tragedy: following the science or the sciences?"

Event 24 September 2020 at 19:00 <p>Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.</p>
This year's IFS Annual Lecture will be held online and will feature Gus O’Donnell, former Cabinet Secretary to three Prime Ministers and head of the Civil Service, looking at possible lessons from the relatively poor performance of the UK, in responding to the Covid crisis, on both health and economic dimensions.
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Is it time for a UK wealth tax?

Event 2 July 2020 at 11:00 <p>Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.</p>
The COVID-19 crisis has exposed growing inequalities and provoked a debate about the rebuilding of public finances. This event will launch a new project investigating the desirability and feasibility of a wealth tax in the UK.
Presentation graphic

Is it time for a UK wealth tax?


This event launched a new project investigating the desirability and feasibility of a wealth tax in the UK. The format was short presentations setting out the evolution of UK wealth and the possible rationales and difficulties of introducing a wealth tax followed by a discussion.

2 July 2020

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UK policy coordination: the importance of institutional design

Journal article

This paper considers the principles that underpin the design of the UK's macroeconomic framework, with particular emphasis on the importance of good institutional design in ensuring effective coordination of monetary and fiscal policy when an independent Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee has operational responsibility for setting interest rates.

1 March 2002