A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

Reports: all content

Showing 181 – 200 of 1348 results

Nairobi Kenya

'Green' motor taxation: issues and policy options in sub-Saharan Africa


Taxes can be used to better align the private costs and benefits of motoring with the social costs and benefits. This report sets out some key issues and policy options for ‘green’ motor taxes in SSA. It provides an overview of the principles of motor taxation, describes the policy context in SSA, and discusses the potential for policy options that could improve existing tax systems in the region.

13 September 2021

Home learning

Home learning experiences through the COVID-19 pandemic


In this report, we examine how the learning experiences of English school children evolved over the course of the first 12 months of disruption, from the beginning of the first lockdown in March 2020 until the end of the second period of school closures in March 2021.

6 September 2021

The tax tribunals: the next 10 years

The tax tribunals: the next 10 years

This report of the Tax Law Review Committee (TLRC) 'The tax tribunals: the next ten years' identifies present strengths of the Tax Chamber of the...

31 August 2021

Child playing with toys

The health impacts of Sure Start


Over the last two decades, Sure Start Children’s Centres (and their predecessors, Sure Start Local Programmes) have been one of the most important policy programmes in the early years in England. These centres operate as ‘one-stop shops’ for families with children under 5, bringing together a range of support including health services, parenting support programmes, and access to childcare and early education.

16 August 2021

Student wearing hijab

Social mobility and ethnicity

This briefing note sheds greater light on how historical disadvantages are, or are not, replicated in today’s education system and labour market.

29 June 2021

Changing patterns of work at older ages


In this report, we provide fresh evidence on the nature of paid work at older ages, how employment patterns differ for people in different circumstances and how the situation is changing over time.

17 June 2021

Geography lesson

Understanding inequalities within, not just between, regions of the UK is vital to formulating effective policy to ‘level up’ the country.

12 June 2021

The effect of the pandemic on retirement expectations


In new research published today, data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing COVID-19 Substudy were used to examine the perceptions of people in their late 50s and over, in terms of the effect of the crisis on both their current income and wealth, and on their future retirement incomes.

9 June 2021

Publication graphic

A survey of the Ghanaian tax system


In this report, we provide a comprehensive overview of Ghana’s tax system. This is intended as a repository of key information for researchers, policymakers and the public, as well as highlighting aggregate patterns of note as a first step for identifying challenges and areas for reform.

25 May 2021