A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

Reports: all content

Showing 161 – 180 of 1348 results

Busy office

Women and men at work

We look at the differences between men and women in all activities that can be labelled as ‘work’.

6 December 2021

Big Ben

IFS Green Budget 2021


The IFS Green Budget looks at the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the Chancellor aims to secure a lasting recovery and deliver on the Government’s other objectives and priorities.

12 October 2021

Publication graphic

A clearer path?


David Phillips in the Municipal Journal on the need for clarity on local government funding in the upcoming Spending Review.

7 October 2021

Bicycle delivery riders

What is wrong with inequality?

This chapter lays out the reasons we have for objecting to certain differences between what individuals have and in how they relate to one another.

23 September 2021

A Focus group

Attitudes to inequalities

Perceptions of the extent and causes of inequalities are vitally important to the functioning of societies, economies and politics.

23 September 2021

Cafe cleaners wearing masks

Job opportunities during the pandemic


We address questions around vacancies and labour shortages by bringing together fine-grained data on the demand and supply sides of the labour market

21 September 2021