A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

Reports: all content

Showing 61 – 80 of 1376 results

NHS staff

Ethnic diversity of NHS doctors


How does the ethnicity mix of NHS doctors compare with wider populations? How does it differ by seniority, gender, specialty and country of training?

22 January 2024

Cross generational family

The future of the state pension

This IFS Pensions Review report sets out key challenges for the UK’s state pension system and suggests a way forward for the future

13 December 2023

Crowd of people

Inequality in the UK: 1968-2021

How have employment and earnings changed in the UK over the last 50 years? What has the effect been on average incomes and income inequality?

29 November 2023


The changing geography of jobs

This report examines the way in which ‘hollowing out’ and other labour market trends have shaped the economic geography of the UK.

13 November 2023

Bank of England

Green Budget 2023


The Chancellor is in a fiscal bind as low growth and high debt interest payments limit any room for manoeuvre in the forthcoming Autumn Statement.

17 October 2023

Treasury building

Outlook for the public finances

In the current environment of high inflation and rising interest rates, tax cuts at the upcoming Budget would be extremely difficult to justify.

17 October 2023

Interest rate graphic

UK Outlook: Fallout

The UK economy remains stuck between weak growth on the one hand and the risk of persistently high inflation on the other.

17 October 2023

The treasury

Policy risks to the fiscal outlook

Pressures on both revenue and spending are skewed to add to borrowing over the next few years, and threaten the ‘centrality’ of official forecasts.

17 October 2023