Government spending

Government spending

Showing 301 – 320 of 861 results

Event graphic

Autumn Budget and Spending Review 2021: IFS analysis

Event 28 October 2021 at 11:15 <p>This event will be streamed live to our website.</p>
Chancellor Rishi Sunak is set to announce his Autumn 2021 Budget and Spending Review on Wednesday 27 October. IFS researchers will present their initial analysis of the Chancellor's announcements on the public finances, spending on public services, and the tax and the benefit system on the following day.
Rishi Sunak holding red box

Autumn Budget and Spending Review 2021: IFS analysis


Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced his Autumn 2021 Budget and Spending Review on Wednesday 27 October. IFS researchers presented their initial analysis of the Chancellor's announcements on the public finances, spending on public services, and the tax and the benefit system today, Thursday 28 October at a livestreamed press briefing.

28 October 2021

Teacher and whiteboard

Comparisons of school spending per pupil across the UK


In most of our analysis of education spending, we focus on spending in England to ensure comparability. In this observation, we expand our analysis to show the level and changes to school spending per pupil across the four nations of the UK.

22 October 2021

Book graphic

Outlook for the public finances

Book Chapter
Since the March Budget, encouraging early indicators on the recovery in consumer spending, the labour market and government revenues have led to an upwards revision in most economic forecasts.

12 October 2021

Presentation graphic

IFS Green Budget 2021


The IFS Green Budget 2021, in association with Citi and with funding from the Nuffield Foundation, analysed the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, its economic legacy, and the big decisions confronting Chancellor Rishi Sunak as he prepares for his upcoming Budget and Spending Review.

12 October 2021

Parking meter

What’s happened and what’s next for councils?

Book Chapter
We examine what’s happened and what’s next for councils in England and Wales, focusing on the short-term financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the medium-term financial outlook, and planned and potential financial and service reforms over the next few years.

7 October 2021

Wind farm

Tax policies to help achieve net zero carbon emissions

Book Chapter
The UK is legally committed to reducing the net greenhouse gas emissions that arise from UK-based activities to zero by 2050. Achieving that target will require large shifts away from emissions-intensive activity from both consumers and producers.

2 October 2021

Employment and the end of the furlough scheme

Book Chapter
The government’s furlough scheme ended on 30 September. In many ways it has been very successful, albeit at a cost of almost £70 billion so far. While unemployment has risen and employment fallen since the start of the pandemic, the changes are nowhere near as dramatic as the falls in national income. As the furlough scheme comes to an end, a number of labour market challenges remain. We examine these challenges in detail and draw out key lessons for policymakers.

30 September 2021

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The mess of our present health and tax systems is a product of history


Our social care system is the unfinished business of 1946 and the direct descendant of the poor law of 1834; the decision to fund it through a levy is a throwback to a time when we had a social insurance system. And that’s the trouble. If you want a rational system for tax, welfare and public spending, best not to start from here.

13 September 2021

Pressures on the NHS

Book Chapter
In this chapter, we assess the NHS’s starting point, in terms of its funding, resources and performance on the eve of the pandemic. We then turn to the pandemic-related pressures on the NHS over the next few years, and assess the adequacy of the government’s latest funding announcement by comparing it with our assessments of the scale of NHS funding pressures.

10 September 2021

Ambulance at hospital

The NHS before COVID

Ben Zaranko takes us through the state of the NHS on the eve of the COVID crisis.

8 September 2021