Government spending

Government spending

Showing 341 – 360 of 861 results

Number 10 door

What happens in a Budget?

Typically, the government holds a Budget every year. What must governments set out? What kinds of policies are announced? How important are Budgets?

23 February 2021

Food bank

The temporary benefit uplift: extension, permanence, or a one-off bonus?


The temporary £20 per week increase in Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit enacted at the start of the pandemic is due to expire at the end of March. Some campaigners have called for it to be extended for another year or made permanent, while the government are said to be considering instead a £500 one off bonus to benefit recipients.

18 January 2021

Assessing England’s 2021-22 Local Government Finance Settlement


On Thursday, the government set out its plans for council funding in England next year. In this briefing note we examine plans for both core funding and top-ups for ongoing COVID-19 related costs, and look at some of the issues looming beyond next year.

21 December 2020

Presentation graphic

Spending Review 2020: IFS analysis


IFS researchers presented their initial analysis of the Chancellor's announcements at an online briefing the day after the 2020 Spending Review.

26 November 2020

UK notes

What happens in a Spending Review?

What is a Spending Review? Who started it? How is it different from a Budget? Ben Zaranko explains what happens in a Spending Review.

19 November 2020

Article graphic

What to look out for in the 2020 Spending Review


The 2020 Spending Review, due to conclude on 25 November, will not be the comprehensive, multi-year review we were originally promised. Instead, the Chancellor has decided to set plans for 2021−22 only – a sensible decision in the circumstances. But while this Spending Review might be more short-term in its nature than usual, it will still contain important announcements.

17 November 2020

Who would benefit from reimbursing tuition fees?


MPs will debate a number of petitions today relating to university tuition fees. These petitions are asking for all or part of tuition fees for the 2019/20 or 2020/21 academic year to be reimbursed. Between them, they have gathered nearly a million signatures.

16 November 2020

Presentation graphic

The future of public service spending


This year's Spending Review is likely to be the most difficult to date. At this event, Ben Zaranko looked ahead to the upcoming Spending Review, and outlined the options, opportunities and challenges facing the Chancellor. He was joined by Graham Atkins from IfG, who looked at the impact of Covid on public services.

10 November 2020

Extra funding will help English councils this year, but big questions remain for 2021 and beyond


Last week saw significant political debate about the amount of extra funding being given to English councils moving into tier 3 (‘very high alert’) of the government’s COVID alert system. Most of the attention focused on funding to help pay for additional business support measures – such as grants for businesses legally able to open but facing big falls in demand – on top of those being funded directly by central government.

29 October 2020