Government spending

Government spending

Showing 281 – 300 of 861 results

Aerial view of Blackpool

Levelling up

Our analysis of the government's announcements on levelling up.

4 February 2022

Train line

Response to government's Levelling Up White Paper


The Levelling Up White Paper is just the latest of efforts to tackle regional inequalities. What does it tell us about this government’s approach? And how likely is it to succeed where others have failed?

4 February 2022

Electricity meter

The cost of living crunch

We examine the rising cost of living, its impacts on different kinds of households, and the mitigation measures available to the government.

12 January 2022

Jean Tirole

The common good after COVID

This week, we bring you this year's IFS annual lecture delivered by Professor Jean Tirole, Honorary Chairman of the Toulouse School of Economics.

17 November 2021