Woman receiving an injection

Health and social care

This work analyses the financing, organisation and the demand for health and social care. It studies how much the UK spends on health and social care, specific policies that affect the delivery of care, workforce issues, health inequalities and a wide set of determinants of demand for health and social care in the UK and in low and middle income countries.

Focus on


Showing 61 – 80 of 973 results

Nurses striking

The state of the NHS

In this episode, we take a look at the state of the NHS across a range of areas.

8 February 2023

Children going to school

Health inequalities

There are marked differences in life expectancy between the regions of England, the countries in the UK, and the UK and other wealthy countries.

4 November 2022

Downing Street

Mini-Budget 2022 and follow-up

Analysis of the government's tax and spending plans - and follow-up - announced as part of the mini-Budget.

17 October 2022

Big Ben

IFS Green Budget 2022

The IFS Green Budget 2022 takes stock of the economic and fiscal outlook following Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-Budget and analyses the challenges ahead.

11 October 2022