How does firm entry affect innovation incentives and productivity growth in incumbent firms? Micro-data suggests that there is heterogeneity across industries - incumbents in technologically advanced industries react positively to entry, but not in laggard industries. To explain this pattern, we introduce entry into a Schumpeterian growth model with multiple sectors which differ by their distance to the technological frontier. We show that entry threat spurs innovation incentives in technologically advanced sectors - successful innovation allows incumbents to prevent entry. In laggard sectors it discourages innovation - increased entry reduces incumbents' expected rents from innovating. We find that the empirical patterns hold using rich micro-level productivity growth and patent panel data for the UK, and controlling for the endogeneity of entry by exploiting the large number of policy reforms undertaken during the Thatcher era.

CPP Co-Director
Richard is Co-Director of the Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP) and Senior Research Fellow at IFS.

CPP Co-Director
Rachel is Research Director and Professor at the University of Manchester. She was made a Dame for services to economic policy and education in 2021.

Susanne Prantl

Research Fellow London School of Economics
Philippe is an IFS Research Fellow, a Professor of Economics at LSE, at the College de France and at INSEAD, and a Fellow at the Econometric Society.

Peter Howitt
Report details
- 10.1920/re.ifs.2024.0940
- Publisher
- Centre for Economic Policy Research
Suggested citation
Aghion, P et al. (2005). The effects of entry on incumbent innovation and productivity. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research. Available at: (accessed: 15 February 2025).
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