

    Showing 1 – 20 of 115 results

    Skyline of London

    Firms, market power, innovation and inequality

    Event 3 March 2022 at 09:30
    Firms are at the centre of our economy: they make the things we buy, set prices, invent new things and provide jobs. They also differ widely in their size, their productivity, their innovativeness, and the wages and conditions they offer. This event will address a number of key questions regarding firms and inequality.
    IFS WP2022/08 Inequality and creative destruction

    Inequality and creative destruction

    Working Paper
    We review recent evidence showing how market forces and policies shape the rate and direction of innovation, with various implications for inequality.

    19 January 2022

    Journal graphic

    Recombinant innovation and the boundaries of the firm

    Journal article

    We want to understand how important market frictions are in stifling the transmission of ideas from one firm to another. We use comprehensive data on patent applications from the European Patent Office and a multiple spells duration model to provide estimates that suggest that they are substantial.

    1 January 2017

    Journal graphic

    Domestic Effects of Offshoring High-skilled Jobs: Complementarities in Knowledge Production

    Journal article

    We provide evidence on how changes in the use of high-skilled workers (inventors) in a foreign location affect a firm's domestic use of the same type of worker. We exploit rich data that provide variation in the location of inventors within multinational firms across industries and countries to control for confounding firm–time and industry factors. We find that a 10% increase in the use of foreign inventors leads to a 1.9% increase in the use of domestic inventors. Our results suggest that foreign and domestic inventors are complementary in the production of knowledge.

    19 June 2016

    Presentation graphic

    Does Starbucks pay enough tax?


    This presentation was given by Rachel Griffith as the Royal Economic Society annual lecture on 24 November 2015.

    18 December 2015

    Article graphic

    Weak productivity growth is not confined to a few sectors of the economy


    Productivity is currently the most talked about topic in town, and for good reason. At the end of 2014 UK productivity remained below its pre-recession level and 16% below where it would have been had the pre-recession trend continued. Looking forward, it is only productivity growth that is likely to spur increases in real wage growth and living standards. Alongside the upcoming budget, George Osborne will set out a plan for how to boost productivity. This Observation aims to provide some context for current discussions by setting out what the most recent data shows about the trajectory of productivity across different sectors of the economy.

    26 June 2015