Tax form

Taxes and benefits

Our work analyses impacts on inequality, poverty, the public finances, and the behaviour of workers, firms and consumers, and considers how their design could be improved. Its focus ranges from the taxation of sugary drinks to revenue-raising measures in low and middle income countries to ongoing UK benefit reforms.

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Showing 321 – 340 of 1602 results

UK notes

What happens in a Spending Review?

What is a Spending Review? Who started it? How is it different from a Budget? Ben Zaranko explains what happens in a Spending Review.

19 November 2020

Book graphic

Principles and practice of taxing small business

Book Chapter
The UK taxes business income at much lower rates than employment income. In this chapter we describe the problems caused by that differentiation and assess the main arguments used to defend it. We summarise the Mirrlees Review’s proposals for radical reform that would align tax rates across legal forms while protecting incentives to save and invest. Finally, we consider the obstacles to implementing such a radical reform and suggest an approach to making progress in practice.

15 October 2020

COVID pandemic signs

IFS Green Budget 2020

The IFS Green Budget 2020, in association with Citi and with funding from the Nuffield Foundation.

13 October 2020

Covid gives us the chance to choose how generous benefits should be


Choices over benefits policy are never easy. There are unavoidable trade-offs between cost, generosity and incentives. This year offers an opportunity to improve what we’ve got and to make a conscious choice over how generous we want the system to be.

12 October 2020

Presentation graphic

IFS Green Budget 2020: Options for the temporary Covid benefit increases


In this webinar, IFS researchers discussed the options the government faces as it considers unwinding, adjusting, or making permanent the temporary Covid-19 benefit increases; and the opportunities this moment presents to address issues with the system that existed prior to the onset of the crisis.

9 October 2020

The temporary benefit increases beyond 2020-21

Book Chapter
The COVID-19 crisis has led to a profound shock to the labour market, one consequence of which is a rising number of claimants of means-tested benefits and higher entitlements among existing claimants.

9 October 2020

Presentation graphic

CIOT/IFS debate: Where next for Capital Gains Tax?


At this online debate, an expert panel reflected on what the future holds for capital gains tax. Could CGT be a post-covid cash cow for the Treasury or would higher rates and smaller reliefs lead to lower investment and less revenue?

17 September 2020

Publication graphic

The impact of COVID-19 on formal firms: evidence from Ethiopia


The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and associated containment measures are expected to cause far-reaching damage to economies around the world. Firms are suffering from reduced demand due to movement restrictions, from reduced labour supply and from constraints to sourcing material inputs. The breakup of otherwise healthy businesses in response to a temporary shock implies large social costs. Governments are therefore intent on designing emergency policies to keep businesses afloat. In this brief, the authors present simulations using firm-level tax records from Ethiopia, which vary the duration of the lockdown and the relative impact across sectors.

14 September 2020

Publication graphic

The impact of COVID-19 on formal firms: evidence from Uganda


The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and associated containment measures are expected to cause far-reaching damage to economies around the world. Firms are suffering from reduced demand due to movement restrictions, from reduced labor supply and from constraints to sourcing material inputs. The breakup of otherwise healthy businesses in response to a temporary shock implies large social costs. Governments are therefore intent on designing emergency policies to keep businesses afloat. In this brief, the authors present simulations using firm-level tax records from Uganda, which vary the duration of the lockdown and the relative impact across sectors.

14 September 2020

Journal graphic

Frictions and taxpayer responses: evidence from bunching at personal tax thresholds

Journal article

This paper exploits kinks and notches in the UK personal tax schedule over a 40-year period to investigate how taxpayers respond to income tax and social security contributions. It also develops a new approach for identifying selection in who responds and for decomposing responses into hours and wage components.

20 August 2020

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How Well Targeted Are Soda Taxes?

Journal article

Soda taxes aim to reduce excessive sugar consumption. We assess who are most impacted by soda taxes. We estimate demand using micro longitudinal data covering on-the-go purchases, and exploit the panel dimension to estimate individual specific preferences. We relate these preferences and counterfactual predictions to individual characteristics and show that soda taxes are relatively effective at targeting the sugar intake of the young, are less successful at targeting the intake of those with high total dietary sugar, and are unlikely to be strongly regressive especially if consumers benefit from averted internalities.

6 August 2020

Presentation graphic

Tax in the 2010s - successes and failures


At this joint IFS/CIOT online debate, a panel of David Gauke, Chris Leslie, Stuart Adam and Jane McCormick looked back at the changes in taxation over the 2010s.

24 June 2020