Tax form

Taxes and benefits

Our work analyses impacts on inequality, poverty, the public finances, and the behaviour of workers, firms and consumers, and considers how their design could be improved. Its focus ranges from the taxation of sugary drinks to revenue-raising measures in low and middle income countries to ongoing UK benefit reforms.

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Showing 301 – 320 of 1602 results

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Putting up corporation tax is a risk the chancellor may come to regret


It’s easy enough to see the politics behind Rishi Sunak’s tax increase of choice. Opaque, in the future, jam today, well-hidden pain tomorrow. The scale of the increase, though, makes the economics more concerning. Not only is he unlikely to get as much revenue as he’s banking on, he risks reducing investment levels and hence wages and living standards over the long run.

15 March 2021

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Reform to recover


The tax system discourages employment, investment and risk-taking. It needs reform, say Stuart Adam and Helen Miller.

25 February 2021

An image of a sunny country road

Budget 2021: the road to recovery?

In this episode, we explore what the Chancellor should be thinking about as he prepares his first Budget since the UK entered a series of lockdowns.

24 February 2021

Number 10 door

What happens in a Budget?

Typically, the government holds a Budget every year. What must governments set out? What kinds of policies are announced? How important are Budgets?

23 February 2021

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We need to reform the tax system as national debt rises — and here’s how


Remember, every time someone calls for more money for the NHS, or social care, or universal credit, as it seems just about everyone is nowadays, they are also implicitly calling for higher taxes in the long run. That’s a less exciting thing to call for. And these issues of tax design may be particularly unexciting. But bigger spending without better taxes will cost us much dearer than it should.

1 February 2021

Food bank

The temporary benefit uplift: extension, permanence, or a one-off bonus?


The temporary £20 per week increase in Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit enacted at the start of the pandemic is due to expire at the end of March. Some campaigners have called for it to be extended for another year or made permanent, while the government are said to be considering instead a £500 one off bonus to benefit recipients.

18 January 2021

Working paper graphic

Price floors and externality correction

Working Paper

We study the introduction of a price floor for alcohol that is aimed at correcting for negative consumption externalities. Policy effectiveness depend

20 November 2020