Tax form

Taxes and benefits

Our work analyses impacts on inequality, poverty, the public finances, and the behaviour of workers, firms and consumers, and considers how their design could be improved. Its focus ranges from the taxation of sugary drinks to revenue-raising measures in low and middle income countries to ongoing UK benefit reforms.

Focus on


Showing 281 – 300 of 1602 results

Big Ben

IFS Green Budget 2021


The IFS Green Budget looks at the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the Chancellor aims to secure a lasting recovery and deliver on the Government’s other objectives and priorities.

12 October 2021

Wind farm

Tax policies to help achieve net zero carbon emissions

Book Chapter
The UK is legally committed to reducing the net greenhouse gas emissions that arise from UK-based activities to zero by 2050. Achieving that target will require large shifts away from emissions-intensive activity from both consumers and producers.

2 October 2021

Nairobi Kenya

'Green' motor taxation: issues and policy options in sub-Saharan Africa


Taxes can be used to better align the private costs and benefits of motoring with the social costs and benefits. This report sets out some key issues and policy options for ‘green’ motor taxes in SSA. It provides an overview of the principles of motor taxation, describes the policy context in SSA, and discusses the potential for policy options that could improve existing tax systems in the region.

13 September 2021

Presentation graphic

Taxation and housing: How do we get the relationship right?


How does the taxation of housing fit into how we analyse other taxes and the tax system as a whole, and what can we conclude about how it should be reformed? This was a Keynote Presentation given at the Tax Research Network Annual Conference, at Aston University and online, on 9 September 2021.

9 September 2021

The tax tribunals: the next 10 years

The tax tribunals: the next 10 years

This report of the Tax Law Review Committee (TLRC) 'The tax tribunals: the next ten years' identifies present strengths of the Tax Chamber of the...

31 August 2021

Presentation graphic

How should platforms and gig economy workers be taxed?


The ‘gig economy’ has grown and risen up the policy agenda in recent years. The associated growth in people working through their own businesses and in work happening through platforms highlights difficult questions about when to have boundaries in the tax system and where to put them.

23 June 2021

Holyrood, Edinburgh

Scottish election 2021

We published a range of Scottish Election Briefing Notes on tax, benefits and public spending, co-funded by the Scottish Policy Foundation.

6 May 2021