Tax form

Taxes and benefits

Our work analyses impacts on inequality, poverty, the public finances, and the behaviour of workers, firms and consumers, and considers how their design could be improved. Its focus ranges from the taxation of sugary drinks to revenue-raising measures in low and middle income countries to ongoing UK benefit reforms.

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Showing 241 – 260 of 1602 results

Rishi Sunak holding red box

Spring Statement 2022: IFS analysis


Chancellor Rishi Sunak responded to the OBR's latest economic and fiscal forecast on Wednesday 23 March. IFS researchers presented their initial analysis of the Chancellor's announcements on the public finances at a live-streamed press briefing the following day.

24 March 2022

Fiscal Studies cover

Who does and doesn't pay taxes?

Journal article

We use administrative tax data from audits of self-assessment tax returns to understand what types individuals are most likely to be non-compliant.

22 March 2022