A photo of Worcester College, Oxford

This conference, sponsored by CIOT, looked at the taxation of top incomes and asked how the system could be made more rational and effective.

Every two years, IFS holds a residential conference, aiming to facilitate high-level knowledge exchange between practitioners, policymakers and academics on key areas of policy and practice. 2023's conference, sponsored by CIOT and supported by Tax Journal, looked at the taxation of top incomes – broadly the top 1%, from those earning £130,000 a year to those making millions. The aim was to look beyond the political debate over how much to tax high incomes overall, and ask what challenges the current system faces and how it could made more rational and effective.

It addressed questions such as: What do we know about the composition of the top 1% and the tax they pay? How do they respond to taxation? Can the tax system promote entrepreneurship and venture capital in a way that is both effective and seen as fair?

How should different forms of employee remuneration be taxed? Could the tax system deal better with internationally mobile individuals? What can we learn from other countries?