Emma Chamberlain: all content

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A photo of Worcester College, Oxford

IFS residential conference 2023

This conference, sponsored by CIOT, looked at the taxation of top incomes and asked how the system could be made more rational and effective.

30 March 2023

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Is it time for a UK wealth tax?

Event 2 July 2020 at 11:00 <p>Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.</p>
The COVID-19 crisis has exposed growing inequalities and provoked a debate about the rebuilding of public finances. This event will launch a new project investigating the desirability and feasibility of a wealth tax in the UK.
Presentation graphic

Is it time for a UK wealth tax?


This event launched a new project investigating the desirability and feasibility of a wealth tax in the UK. The format was short presentations setting out the evolution of UK wealth and the possible rationales and difficulties of introducing a wealth tax followed by a discussion.

2 July 2020

Event graphic

CIOT/IFS debate: The Generations Game - should we change how we tax inheritance?

Event 16 October 2017 at 19:00 <p>8 John Adam Street</p> <p>London</p> <p>WC2N 6EZ</p>
This is the tenth in a series of lectures and debates being organised by the CIOT and the IFS to promote debate among policy-makers, opinion-formers and the wider tax and economics communities on the future of the UK and international tax systems.