Dr Andy Summers: all content

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A photo of Worcester College, Oxford

IFS residential conference 2023

This conference, sponsored by CIOT, looked at the taxation of top incomes and asked how the system could be made more rational and effective.

30 March 2023

IFS WP2022/06 Measuring top income shares in the UK

Measuring top income shares in the UK

Working Paper
This paper examines measurement error in the share of income going to the top 1% (and other subgroups) that comes from estimation of the denominator.

14 January 2022

Working paper graphic

Importing inequality: immigration and the top 1 percent

Working Paper

In this paper we study the contribution of migrants to the rise in UK top incomes. Using administrative data on the universe of UK taxpayers we show migrants are over-represented at the top of the income distribution, with migrants twice as prevalent in the top 0.1% as anywhere in the bottom 97%.

21 September 2020

Presentation graphic

Inequality and the very rich: what do we know?


At this event, speaker set out what we know, and what we need to know, about the very rich in the UK. Using a mixture of data from household surveys and data from tax authorities, the speakers looked at various characteristics of those at the top of the income distribution.

5 November 2019