Luke Sibieta: all content

Showing 41 – 60 of 281 results

An image of adults at a lecture

Adult education: the past, present and future


In the last decade, there have been significant cuts to spending on adult education and large falls in the numbers of adult learners, particularly amongst those taking low-level qualifications.

13 June 2022

School classroom

The even longer squeeze on teacher pay

In this observation, we analyse how government proposals will affect levels of teacher pay in England and their overall affordability for schools.

11 March 2022

Event graphic

Education spending: resourced for levelling up?

Event 30 November 2021 at 13:30 <p>Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.</p>
The next few years are likely to be particularly challenging for schools, colleges, universities and nurseries. At this event, we will examine how education spending can be best set to support levelling up and narrow inequalities.
School sign

Education spending: resourced for levelling up?


The next few years are likely to be particularly challenging for schools, colleges, universities and nurseries. This event examined how education spending can be best set to support levelling up and narrow inequalities.

30 November 2021

Teacher and whiteboard

Comparisons of school spending per pupil across the UK


In most of our analysis of education spending, we focus on spending in England to ensure comparability. In this observation, we expand our analysis to show the level and changes to school spending per pupil across the four nations of the UK.

22 October 2021

An image of a girl raising her hand in a classroom

How to fix the education system

In this episode, we dig into the issues facing schools and their students and see what we can do to fix the education system.

22 September 2021