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IFS WP2021/24 How much does degree choice matter?

How much does degree choice matter?

Working Paper
This paper investigates variation in returns to different higher education ‘degrees’ (subject-institution combinations) in the UK.

11 August 2021


The long, long squeeze on teacher pay


At the last election, the Conservative Party manifesto committed to increasing teacher starting salaries in England to £30,000 per year by September 2022. However, to ease pressure on school budgets and the public finances, the government has now announced a freeze on teacher pay levels in England for September 2021, and pushed back starting salaries of £30,000 to September 2023.

23 July 2021

An image of a child being taught on a laptop

Catching up on lost learning

What are the effects of lost learning during Covid? How is it impacting students and teachers? What can policymakers do to make up for lost learning?

10 February 2021

Presentation graphic

Resource challenges facing further and higher education


Further and higher education providers face severe resource challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. At this event, IFS researchers and panellists Philip Augar and Mary Curnock Cook analysed these challenges.

3 November 2020

2020 annual report on education spending in England


In our annual series of reports on education spending, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, we bring together data on education spending per student across the life cycle and provide analysis about the major issues facing different sectors.

3 November 2020

Publication graphic

2020 annual report on education spending in England: schools


School spending covers pupils in state-funded schools aged 5–16, as well as pupils aged 16–19 in school sixth forms. In 2019–20, total spending on schools in England represented about £51 billion (in 2020–21 prices), accounting for 17% of total public service spending in England.

18 September 2020

The geography of the COVID-19 crisis in England


The COVID-19 crisis has affected every part of the country – and indeed many other countries. What sets this crisis apart is the many different ways that it is impacting families: while the virus itself is primarily a public health issue, the unprecedented responses it has necessitated mean that this is also very much an economic and a social crisis.

15 June 2020