Richard Blundell presenting

Research methods

We continue to make advances in developing models and methods to study the dynamic behaviour of individuals and firms, the structure of the education, labour and marriage markets, and their implications for policy design and evaluation.

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    Showing 61 – 80 of 1044 results

    Working paper graphic

    Narrative restrictions and proxies

    Working Paper

    We compare two approaches to using information about the signs of structural shocks at specific dates within a structural vector autoregression (SVAR): imposing ‘narrative restrictions’ (NR) on the shock signs in an otherwise set-identified SVAR; and casting the information about the shock signs as a discrete-valued ‘narrative proxy’ (NP) to point-identify the impulse responses.

    6 April 2022

    IFS WP2022/06 Measuring top income shares in the UK

    Measuring top income shares in the UK

    Working Paper
    This paper examines measurement error in the share of income going to the top 1% (and other subgroups) that comes from estimation of the denominator.

    14 January 2022

    Working paper graphic

    Inference on a distribution from noisy draws

    Working Paper

    We consider a situation where the distribution of a random variable is being estimated by the empirical distribution of noisy measurements of that variable.

    7 December 2021

    Working paper graphic

    Posterior average effects

    Working Paper

    Economists are often interested in estimating averages with respect to distributions of unobservables, such as moments of individual fixed-effects, or average partial effects in discrete choice models.

    10 September 2021