Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP), 2015-2020

Showing 313 - 324 of 883 results

Book graphic

Barriers to homeownership for young adults

Book Chapter
In this chapter, we examine the falling rate of homeownership among young adults. We investigate the key trends in the housing market that young adults face, and the barriers that they create for young prospective homeowners. In particular, using data on the incomes of young adults and the range of property prices in the areas in which they live, we examine the impact of deposit requirements and the cap on mortgage borrowing as a share of income.

8 October 2018

Publication graphic

A review of the Department of Health and Social Care’s Funding Reform Model


The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is responsible for setting the overall direction for social care policy and funding in England. Recently DHSC has developed in-house modelling capacity to examine likely implications of possible reforms to the system for funding social care. This departs from the process used by the Dilnot Commission on the Funding of Care and Support, where modelling of the implications of the proposed reforms was commissioned from the Public Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) at the University of Kent and the London School of Economics.

19 September 2018

Boy in classroom

2018 annual report on education spending in England


Our first annual report on education spending in England provides measures of spending per student in the early years, schools, further education and higher education back to the early 1990s.

17 September 2018

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How can we increase girls’ uptake of maths and physics A-level?


There is a large gender gap in the likelihood of taking maths and physics at A-level, even among high-achieving pupils. Among pupils who achieved grade A or A* (equivalent to grades 7-9) in GCSE maths in 2010, 36.5% of girls compared to 51.1% of boys took maths A-level. Among those who achieved grade A or A* in GCSE physics, just 13.2% of girls compared to 39.3% of boys took physics A-level. By contrast, there is almost no gender gap in the likelihood of taking chemistry A-level amongst those who score highly in the subject at GCSE, and girls are actually more likely to take biology A-level than boys.

22 August 2018

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The Fair Funding Review: is a fair assessment of councils’ spending needs feasible?


English local government finance is part way through a series of major changes that will see its focus shift from being based on redistribution according to spending needs, towards more emphasis on providing financial incentives to tackle needs and increase local revenue-raising capacity. In this context, the government is undertaking a ‘Fair Funding Review’. This is aimed at designing a new system for allocating funding between councils.

22 August 2018

Article graphic

How housing has divided the young


Rising house prices have not only left fewer young people able to buy a home, they have also divided them into property "haves" and "have-nots".

15 August 2018