Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP), 2015-2020

Showing 277 - 288 of 883 results

Journal graphic

Tax design in the alcohol market

Journal article

Alcohol consumption is associated with costs to society from anti-social behaviour, crime and public costs of policing and health care. These externalities are non-linear in alcohol consumption, with a small number of heavy drinkers creating the majority of the costs. Governments attempt to reduce problematic alcohol consumption through restricting availability and with policies that aim to increase prices. In this paper we study the design of alcohol taxes.

1 April 2019

Publication graphic

The impact of undergraduate degrees on early-career earnings


This report estimates the impact on earnings of attending HE compared with not going. The authors detail how this varies by subject and institution of study, as well as how these returns vary by gender, prior educational attainment and the sorts of subjects individuals have studied up to age 18. The report makes use of the Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset, which links together tax, benefit, higher education and school records to provide a rich description of individuals’ trajectories through the education system and into the labour market.

27 November 2018

Working paper graphic

Community matters: heterogenous impacts of a sanitation intervention

Working Paper

We study the effectiveness of a community-level information and mobilization intervention to reduce open defecation (OD) and increase sanitation investments in Nigeria. The results of a cluster-randomized control trial in 246 communities, conducted between 2014 and 2018, suggest that average impacts are exiguous.

6 November 2018

Publication graphic

Socio-economic differences in total education spending in England: middle-class welfare no more


Pupils benefit from a large amount of state funding for education in the 12+ years they spend in formal education, about £73,000 on average for pupils aged 16 in Summer 2010 in England. The total amount they experience is shaped by their education choices (e.g. whether to stay on post 16 and/or go to higher education) and the nature of the funding system for each stage of education. In the 1980s, considerably more was spent on the education of those from well-off backgrounds than on those from poorer backgrounds. This was driven by the fact that poorer children were much less likely to stay in education beyond 16, let alone go to university. And funding for higher education (HE) was relatively high. In this report, we find that these differences in funding by social class have now vanished.

31 October 2018

Presentation graphic

The end of austerity?


This presentation was given at an IFS briefing following the Autumn Budget Statement 2018.

30 October 2018

Presentation graphic

Patching up business taxes


This presentation was given at an IFS briefing following the Autumn Budget Statement 2018.

30 October 2018