

Showing 21 – 40 of 102 results

Fruit and vegetable aisle in supermarket

What's wrong with inflation?

Inflation continues to affect the UK economy - we speak to two experts on inflation who explain the bigger picture.

10 May 2023

Jeremy Hunt outside 10 Downing Street

Spring Budget 2023: IFS analysis

Event 16 March 2023 at 10:30
IFS researchers presented their initial analysis of the Chancellor's announcements the morning after his first Budget.
A photo of the Treasury from the front

Spring Budget 2023: the challenges ahead

Event 28 February 2023 at 10:00 via Slido and Youtube
Jeremy Hunt delivered his first Budget on 15th of March. At this online event, IFS researchers outlined the challenges he faced.
HM Treasury

The fiscal backdrop to Spring Budget 2023

How might recent economic developments affect the outlook for the public finances, and what does this mean for the Chancellor’s options at the Budget?

28 February 2023

Jeremy Hunt

Autumn Statement 2022

Analysis on the decisions made by the Chancellor at the 2022 Autumn Statement, from the Institute for Fiscal Studies

17 November 2022

Downing Street

Mini-Budget 2022 and follow-up

Analysis of the government's tax and spending plans - and follow-up - announced as part of the mini-Budget.

17 October 2022