

Showing 81 – 100 of 297 results


Pay compression in the NHS (and beyond)

Since 2010, more experienced and higher-paid workers in the NHS have experienced the largest pay cuts. This has compressed the pay distribution.

1 June 2022

Square IFS logo

MaiMwana - IFS Economic Survey

Internal Dataset
The MaiMwana - IFS Economic Survey is a longitudinal dataset of approx. 3200 women aged 17-43 years and their households collected in Malawi.

22 April 2022

COVID test

Health and social care: what are the challenges after COVID?


What are the likely pressures on the NHS going forward - not just from COVID-19, but also from an ageing population? How much funding might be needed to meet these? And will the government's latest reforms really be enough to 'fix' social care?

22 November 2021

IFS WP2021/38 Breastfeeding and child development

Breastfeeding and child development

Working Paper
We show that children who are born at or just before the weekend are less likely to be breastfed, owing to poorer support services at weekends.

25 October 2021