

Showing 101 – 120 of 297 results

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IFS Green Budget 2021

Event 12 October 2021 at 10:30 Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.
The IFS Green Budget 2021, in association with Citi and with funding from the Nuffield Foundation, will analyse the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, its economic legacy, and the big decisions confronting Chancellor Rishi Sunak as he prepares for his upcoming Budget and Spending Review.
Journal graphic

Different strokes for different folks? Experimental evidence on the effectiveness of input and output incentive contracts for health care providers with varying skills

Journal article

A central issue in designing incentive contracts is the decision to reward agents’ input use versus outputs. The trade-off between risk and return to innovation in production can also lead agents with varying skill levels to perform differentially under different con- tracts. We study this issue experimentally, observing and verifying inputs and outputs in Indian maternity care.

1 October 2021

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The mess of our present health and tax systems is a product of history


Our social care system is the unfinished business of 1946 and the direct descendant of the poor law of 1834; the decision to fund it through a levy is a throwback to a time when we had a social insurance system. And that’s the trouble. If you want a rational system for tax, welfare and public spending, best not to start from here.

13 September 2021

Pressures on the NHS

Book Chapter
In this chapter, we assess the NHS’s starting point, in terms of its funding, resources and performance on the eve of the pandemic. We then turn to the pandemic-related pressures on the NHS over the next few years, and assess the adequacy of the government’s latest funding announcement by comparing it with our assessments of the scale of NHS funding pressures.

10 September 2021

Ambulance at hospital

The NHS before COVID

Ben Zaranko takes us through the state of the NHS on the eve of the COVID crisis.

8 September 2021


Could NHS waiting lists really reach 13 million?


This observation looks at how the numbers in England on the NHS waiting list changed before and during the pandemic and discusses the key factors that will affect how much they will grow in the near future.

8 August 2021

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Firm Characteristics and Health

Book Chapter
We study the relationship between health and firm characteristics, primarily ownership using administrative data from Hungary.

25 June 2021

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Labor income, health status, and healthcare spending

Book Chapter
We examine geographic and income-related inequalities in health and healthcare spending and the relationship between these two dimensions of inequality using administrative data from Hungary.

25 June 2021

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Inequality of mortality and morbidity by income

Book Chapter
We use the comprehensive national individual-level mortality registers administrative data, and settlement-level and microregion-level administrative data on population characteristics and income to examine inequalities in Hungary during the 2011–2016 period in mortality rates, life expectancy, and morbidity.

25 June 2021

An image of an empty hospital bed

Can the NHS recover from COVID?

In this episode we ask what challenges will the NHS face in the future, and what can the government do to help?

2 June 2021

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Nurse retention and long-run NHS workforce challenges


Pay is an important lever in attracting and keeping staff, but is subject to tight regulations within the NHS. At this event, we explored the findings of new IFS work looking at the flexibility of the current pay system and its ability to address differences in the local cost of living across the country.

24 February 2021

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Pity poor Matt Hancock if he thinks he can take back control of the NHS


Hancock is just the latest in a very long line to grasp for that illusion of control. One day, probably in a decade or so, one of his successors will be so burnt by the experience of attempting to achieve the impossible that another re-disorganisation will be visited upon a system still doing its best to deliver that healthcare to us all.

15 February 2021