

Showing 41 – 60 of 155 results

Busy office

Women and men at work

We look at the differences between men and women in all activities that can be labelled as ‘work’.

6 December 2021

Older woman on a bench

Understanding the gender pension gap


Increasing attention is being given to the ‘gender pension gap’ – the fact that on average women have lower private pension wealth and lower income in retirement than men.

11 May 2021

Fiscal Studies cover

Mortality Inequality in England over the Past 20 Years

Journal article

In this paper, we study the evolution of age-group- and gender-specific mortality and mortality inequality in England between 2003 and 2016, by comparing small geographic areas ranked by deprivation and grouped into bins of similar population size.

29 April 2021

An image of a child using a laptop to learn from home

Who's looking after the kids?

How much time have children spent learning from home? Are mothers and fathers sharing the responsibility equally?

27 May 2020