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Understand this issue
Growth and cutting inequality must go hand in hand for Labour
"Labour’s manifesto may barely mention it, but consideration of inequality must nevertheless be at the heart of its agenda." Paul Johnson in the FT.
23 July 2024
Schools and segregation: a comparison of Scotland and England
We study how the different ways pupils are assigned to schools in England and Scotland relate to income segregation in schools and neighbourhoods.
10 October 2023
Levelling Up: Is inequality between places Britain’s biggest problem?
Since 2019, 'levelling up' has been at the forefront of the political agenda - but is inequality between places really Britain’s biggest problem?
16 August 2023
Policy analysis
How do the last five years measure up on levelling up?
How well – or badly – has the UK fared on the 12 levelling up missions? We examine early progress and the scale of the challenge ahead.
19 June 2024
Conservative plans to abolish the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to help fund a new National Service scheme would hit poorest parts of the UK
Abolishing the UK Shared Prosperity Fund would see poorer parts of the UK lose hundreds of millions in funding – with Cornwall and Wales hardest hit.
29 May 2024
Annual report on education spending in England: 2023
Our sixth annual report on education spending shows changes over time across different stages of education, as well as geographic differences.
11 December 2023
Academic research
There and back again: women’s marginal commuting costs
working paper
We estimate female and male workers’ marginal willingness to pay to reduce commuting distance in Germany.
2 April 2024
The distribution of doctor quality: evidence from cardiologists in England
working paper
This paper provides new evidence on the role senior doctors play in determining patient outcomes.
9 August 2022
Spatial disparities across labour markets
book chapter
Spatial inequalities in the UK are profound and persistent. This IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities chapter looks at their impacts.
2 February 2022