
Government finances and spending

Our research covers a wide range of topics related to businesses and their investments, including firm productivity,

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Showing 421 – 440 of 2007 results

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IFS Green Budget 2020: Options for the temporary Covid benefit increases


In this webinar, IFS researchers discussed the options the government faces as it considers unwinding, adjusting, or making permanent the temporary Covid-19 benefit increases; and the opportunities this moment presents to address issues with the system that existed prior to the onset of the crisis.

9 October 2020

The temporary benefit increases beyond 2020-21

Book Chapter
The COVID-19 crisis has led to a profound shock to the labour market, one consequence of which is a rising number of claimants of means-tested benefits and higher entitlements among existing claimants.

9 October 2020

UK housing block

'Levelling Up' explained

We look at what the government should consider when pursuing its 'levelling up' agenda.

2 October 2020

Aerial view of Blackpool

Levelling up: where and how?

Book Chapter
This government has pushed geographic inequalities to the top of the policy agenda. In his very first speech as Prime Minister, Boris Johnson made clear his intent to boost economic performance outside of London and the South East, to ‘level up’ across the country and to revive the fortunes of the UK’s ‘left-behind’ towns and cities.

2 October 2020

Sunak has bought himself time, but his big test will come as crisis eases


As for phase four, the return to normality, Mr Sunak needs to learn one big lesson from policy in the wake of the financial crisis. From 2010 on that policy was dominated by the desire to reduce the deficit. But it lacked a crucial second leg: an actual economic strategy focused on productivity, growth and economic success. Phase four must not just be about getting the huge deficit down. It must involve a smart economic strategy for infrastructure investment, education, economic governance, tax reform and more besides.

28 September 2020

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CIOT/IFS debate: Where next for Capital Gains Tax?


At this online debate, an expert panel reflected on what the future holds for capital gains tax. Could CGT be a post-covid cash cow for the Treasury or would higher rates and smaller reliefs lead to lower investment and less revenue?

17 September 2020

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The impact of COVID-19 on formal firms: evidence from Ethiopia


The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and associated containment measures are expected to cause far-reaching damage to economies around the world. Firms are suffering from reduced demand due to movement restrictions, from reduced labour supply and from constraints to sourcing material inputs. The breakup of otherwise healthy businesses in response to a temporary shock implies large social costs. Governments are therefore intent on designing emergency policies to keep businesses afloat. In this brief, the authors present simulations using firm-level tax records from Ethiopia, which vary the duration of the lockdown and the relative impact across sectors.

14 September 2020

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The impact of COVID-19 on formal firms: evidence from Uganda


The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and associated containment measures are expected to cause far-reaching damage to economies around the world. Firms are suffering from reduced demand due to movement restrictions, from reduced labor supply and from constraints to sourcing material inputs. The breakup of otherwise healthy businesses in response to a temporary shock implies large social costs. Governments are therefore intent on designing emergency policies to keep businesses afloat. In this brief, the authors present simulations using firm-level tax records from Uganda, which vary the duration of the lockdown and the relative impact across sectors.

14 September 2020

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Coming of age: Labour’s Child Trust Funds


From today, the first 18-year-olds will be able to access Child Trust Funds (CTFs) set up over a decade ago by Tony Blair’s Labour government. When first announcing the policy, the government pointed to the fact that ‘people without assets are much more likely to have lower earnings and higher unemployment, and are less likely to start a business or enter higher education’. But how much difference might these accounts make to the finances of 18-year-olds?

31 August 2020

Bank notes

Sharing prosperity? Options and issues for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund


European Structural and Investment (ESI) funds help to pay for initiatives supporting business development, research and development, investment in digital and green infrastructure, as well skills and training interventions and support for job-seekers. But with the UK having formally departed the European Union, the country will stop receiving new ESI funding at the end of 2020. Thus, for 2021 and beyond, the UK government faces choices over what to replace ESI funding with.

13 July 2020

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Covid-19: deficits, debt and fiscal strategy


In this special joint webinar, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) examined the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the public finances.

1 July 2020

A temporary VAT cut could help stimulate the economy, but only if timed correctly


Reports indicate the government is considering a temporary cut in VAT to stimulate consumer demand, possibly targeted at sectors such as tourism and restaurants. Overall the case for a temporary VAT cut now is mixed. It could provide an important fillip to consumer demand if implemented under the right conditions. Its expiration must be carefully timed so as not to choke off a nascent recovery.

26 June 2020