Students walking in a place of education

Education and skills

Our work on Education and Skills aims to understand what matters for the healthy development of children, from infancy to young adulthood. It tracks education spending in various stages of education and assesses the effectiveness of government policies at improving children’s outcomes and inequalities therein.

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Showing 641 – 660 of 946 results

Article graphic

Higher education reforms: progressive but too complicated


The Minister of State for Universities and Science, David Willetts, has today announced the Government's proposals for higher education (HE) funding in England, in response to last month's publication of the Browne Review. Here we outline our initial response to this release.

3 November 2010

Article graphic

A progressive graduate tax after all?


Lord Browne's recommendations for higher education funding have provoked controversy. The potential sharp increase in tuition fees has grabbed the headlines, but another proposed measure has also received considerable attention: increasing the interest rate on student loans to 2.2% above RPI inflation. There have also been criticisms of the review's alleged lack of focus on the potential for a graduate tax. In this Observation, we explore both issues in some detail.

15 October 2010

Publication graphic

Online appendix for IFS working paper W10/16


Online appendix for IFS working paper W10/16, 'Explaining the socio-economic gradient in child outcomes: the intergenerational transmission of cognitive skills'.

16 September 2010

Presentation graphic

The childcare tax credit


This presentation was delivered at a Daycare Trust seminar, September 16 2010.

16 September 2010