Students walking in a place of education

Education and skills

Our work on Education and Skills aims to understand what matters for the healthy development of children, from infancy to young adulthood. It tracks education spending in various stages of education and assesses the effectiveness of government policies at improving children’s outcomes and inequalities therein.

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Showing 621 – 640 of 946 results

Publication graphic

Matching, sorting and wages


We develop an empirical search-matching model with productivity shocks so as to analyze policy interventions in a labour market with heterogeneous agents.

15 April 2011

Article graphic

Pitfalls on the path to social mobility


This government, alongside most of its predecessors, is concerned about social mobility. As the coalition government prepares to launch its own strategy for tackling social mobility, recent work at IFS exploring the literature on social mobility has highlighted some important conclusions that the government would be wise to bear in mind.

4 April 2011

Article graphic

Many unanswered questions over EMA successor


Yesterday, the Government announced the details of a new bursary scheme to replace the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA). The funding for this will total £180m, of which £15m is reserved for a £1,200 annual grant for vulnerable children. The remaining £165m will form a discretionary fund that schools and colleges will distribute to students deemed to have the greatest need. In this observation, we analyse how this fund could be structured and its potential impact on students.

29 March 2011

Journal graphic

The role of attitudes and behaviours in explaining socio-economic differences in attainment at age 16

Journal article

Using a simple decomposition analysis, we show that around two thirds of the socio-economic gap in attainment at age 16 can be accounted for by long-run family background characteristics and prior ability, suggesting that circumstances and investments made considerably earlier in the child's life explain the majority of the gap in test scores between young people from rich and poor families.

1 February 2011

Article graphic

Pupil premium: simple and transparent financial incentive


The Government has announced a pupil premium of £430 per pupil eligible for free school meals no matter where they live in England. This is a simple and transparent policy, which should make the financial incentives generated by the pupil premium that much clearer. The combination of a freeze in existing funding per pupil and the new pupil premium means that less deprived schools will see larger cuts than more deprived schools, some of whom will receive a small increase in funding.

15 December 2010

Article graphic

An efficient maintenance allowance?


The Government defends its intention to scrap EMA - and replace it with a smaller payment - on the grounds that the EMA is expensive and fails to deliver enough bang for its buck. But what does the evidence on the effectiveness of the EMA show?

14 December 2010

Presentation graphic

Higher education funding


This presentation was delivered as an 'IFS Public Economics Lecture', December 2010,

13 December 2010