

Showing 61 – 80 of 357 results

Image of children working in a classroom

Educational inequalities

Event 16 August 2022 at 11:00
Education is one of the most important predictors of people's life chances, shaping outcomes like work and pay, health, and wealth. At this online event, our panel will look at what aspects of the education system make the most difference to inequality and what policymakers can do if they want to build a more equal education system.

Education inequalities

We look at shifts in the education landscape in the UK and its impact on inequalities.

16 August 2022

Children playing

How can we fix the childcare system?

With headlines about underfunding and staff shortages dominating the airwaves, we explore how to fix the childcare system and how to fund it.

16 June 2022

School classroom

The even longer squeeze on teacher pay

In this observation, we analyse how government proposals will affect levels of teacher pay in England and their overall affordability for schools.

11 March 2022

School bags and coats

Early years inequalities in the wake of the pandemic


There are important inequalities in the development of children well before they start school. By forcing nurseries to close and dramatically altering the lives of most families with young children, the pandemic may have exacerbated existing inequalities and possibly created new ones.

26 November 2021

Teacher and whiteboard

Comparisons of school spending per pupil across the UK


In most of our analysis of education spending, we focus on spending in England to ensure comparability. In this observation, we expand our analysis to show the level and changes to school spending per pupil across the four nations of the UK.

22 October 2021

An image of a girl raising her hand in a classroom

How to fix the education system

In this episode, we dig into the issues facing schools and their students and see what we can do to fix the education system.

22 September 2021

Home learning

Home learning experiences through the COVID-19 pandemic


In this report, we examine how the learning experiences of English school children evolved over the course of the first 12 months of disruption, from the beginning of the first lockdown in March 2020 until the end of the second period of school closures in March 2021.

6 September 2021

School classroom

We haven’t learnt the lessons we need to deliver better education


'It is an abiding failure of our system of governance that, with an average tenure of less than two years, secretaries of state barely have time to understand the problems, let alone put in place lasting and effective reform.' Paul Johnson on education reform in The Times.

29 March 2021