

Showing 81 – 100 of 357 results

An image of a child being taught on a laptop

Catching up on lost learning

What are the effects of lost learning during Covid? How is it impacting students and teachers? What can policymakers do to make up for lost learning?

10 February 2021

2020 annual report on education spending in England


In our annual series of reports on education spending, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, we bring together data on education spending per student across the life cycle and provide analysis about the major issues facing different sectors.

3 November 2020

Family time use and home learning during the COVID-19 lockdown


The COVID-19 school closures forced children and parents to make unprecedented changes to their daily routines. Including the summer holidays, most children will have had a five-and-a-half-month break from physically attending school by the time they returned in September.

21 September 2020

Publication graphic

2020 annual report on education spending in England: schools


School spending covers pupils in state-funded schools aged 5–16, as well as pupils aged 16–19 in school sixth forms. In 2019–20, total spending on schools in England represented about £51 billion (in 2020–21 prices), accounting for 17% of total public service spending in England.

18 September 2020

September return to school offers a chance to level the playing field


In this observation, we use data from an online survey of parents with school-aged children – funded by the Nuffield Foundation and collected during June and July 2020 – to document the patchwork of in-person schooling that children had before the summer. We also explore parents’ concerns about sending their children back to school at the end of the last term.

23 August 2020

Working paper graphic

Preschool quality and child development

Working Paper

Global access to preschool has increased dramatically yet preschool quality is often poor. We use a randomized controlled trial to evaluate two approaches to improving the quality of Colombian preschools.

23 September 2019

Student raises hand

2019 annual report on education spending in England


Education spending is the second-largest element of public service spending in the UK behind health, representing about £91 billion in 2018–19 in today’s prices or about 4.2% of national income.

19 September 2019

Book graphic

2019 annual report on education spending in England: schools

Book Chapter
School spending covers pupils in state-funded schools aged 5–16, as well as pupils aged 16–18 in school sixth forms. In 2018–19, total school spending in England – excluding early years and sixth-form funding – stood at about £44 billion in 2019–20 prices.

30 August 2019

Publication graphic

Socio-economic differences in total education spending in England: middle-class welfare no more


Pupils benefit from a large amount of state funding for education in the 12+ years they spend in formal education, about £73,000 on average for pupils aged 16 in Summer 2010 in England. The total amount they experience is shaped by their education choices (e.g. whether to stay on post 16 and/or go to higher education) and the nature of the funding system for each stage of education. In the 1980s, considerably more was spent on the education of those from well-off backgrounds than on those from poorer backgrounds. This was driven by the fact that poorer children were much less likely to stay in education beyond 16, let alone go to university. And funding for higher education (HE) was relatively high. In this report, we find that these differences in funding by social class have now vanished.

31 October 2018