

Showing 181 – 200 of 693 results

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Who will ‘Help to Save’ help to save?


The 2016 Budget included a policy designed to help low-income working families, known as ‘Help to Save’. This observation examines whether the policy is likely to help those who are not currently saving enough and to encourage them to save more, or is instead an opportunity for those who already have savings (or would save anyway) to receive a government subsidy.

15 August 2016

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Ultra-low interest rates come with a high price for future generations


Many things determine our living standards. Most important is what goes on in the labour market. In the end, levels of employment and earnings matter more than anything. Then there are the taxes and social security benefits set each year by the chancellor. The consequences of all these for households, and in particular the distributional consequences, are pored over in great detail.

9 August 2016

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This presentation was given at the launch of the IFS report Living Standards, Poverty and Inequality in the UK: 2016 on 19 July.

19 July 2016

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Income inequality in childhood


This presentation was given at the launch of the IFS report Living Standards, Poverty and Inequality in the UK: 2016 on 19 July.

19 July 2016

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Income inequality


This presentation was given at the launch of the IFS report Living Standards, Poverty and Inequality in the UK: 2016 on 19 July.

19 July 2016

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Living standards


This presentation was given at the launch of the IFS report Living Standards, Poverty and Inequality in the UK: 2016 on 19 July.

19 July 2016

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Middle-income families: receiving more benefits, less likely to own home


We all know about differences between children from rich, poor and middle-income families. Or at least we think we do. But new research that we have undertaken at the Institute for Fiscal Studies shows that these differences have changed dramatically. In terms of their sources of income and rates of home-ownership, middle-income families look much more like poorer families, and much less like high-income families, than they used to.

14 July 2016

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In it together?


This article was published in Inside Housing and draws on an Observation on the IFS website.

23 March 2016

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Evidence in public policy


This presentation was given at the SRA annual conference on 14 December, 2015.

18 December 2015

Event graphic

Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2015

Event 16 July 2015 at 11:00 <p>Store Street, London, WC1E 7BT</p>
On Thursday 16 July, the IFS will publish its detailed annual report on living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Presentation graphic

Income poverty


This presentation was given at the launch of the report 'Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2015' on 16 July 2015.

16 July 2015

Presentation graphic

Arrears and material deprivation


This presentation was given at the launch of the report 'Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2015' on 16 July 2015.

16 July 2015