

Showing 161 – 180 of 196 results

Book graphic

Socio-economic position

Book Chapter
Possibly one of the most pressing concerns in the debate on the ageing population is whether individuals will have adequate economic resources to maintain sufficient standards of living in retirement, and, if not, what the government can provide, in terms of health care and retirement income, to meet the needs of a population with an increasing fraction of older individuals.

1 December 2003

Book graphic

Work and retirement

Book Chapter
This chapter provides a complete cross-sectional description of the labour market activity and retirement status of the older population in England.

1 December 2003

Journal graphic

Mortality, health status and wealth

Journal article

In this paper we use the two waves of the British Retirement Survey (1988/1989 and 1994) to quantify the relationship between socioeconomic status and health outcomes.

1 June 2003

Publication graphic

Achieving simplicity, security and choice in retirement? An assessment of the government's proposed pensions reforms


In this Briefing Note, we discuss whether or not the government's proposed reforms are likely to help individuals to make choices about how to provide for their retirement that are appropriate to their circumstances. We focus particularly on whether or not the proposals might prompt those individuals who are not thought to be providing sufficiently for their retirement to save more each year or to retire at an older age than might otherwise have been the case.

2 April 2003

Journal graphic

Pension incentives and the pattern of early retirement

Journal article

Using a sample of individuals from the UK Retirement Survey, the paper models the probability of retirement in terms of the incentives underlying the individual's pension plan as well as other socio-economic factors.

9 November 2002

Publication graphic

Pension incentives and patterns of retirement


Using a sample of individuals aged 55 and over from the UK Retirement Survey, this paper models the probability of retirement in terms of the incentives underlying the individual\'s pension plan as well as other socio-economic factors.

1 September 2001