

Showing 141 – 160 of 196 results

Journal graphic

Economic capabilities, choices and outcomes at older ages

Journal article

This paper presents an overview of the beginnings of a research agenda targeted towards increasing the empirical evidence on economic issues related to ageing in England and providing extensive data for subsequent research.

29 August 2006

Book graphic

Labour market transitions

Book Chapter
The first wave of data from ELSA has provided, and still is providing, evidence on how the characteristics of those who are still in paid work at older ages differ from those who are not.

7 July 2006

Presentation graphic

Labour market transitions


Presentation at the launch of the report covering the second wave of the ELSA survey.

7 July 2006

Presentation graphic

Prepared for retirement?


These are the slides from the presentation about the adequacy of retirement saving in the England.

11 October 2005