Devolved government finances

Devolved government finances

Showing 61 – 80 of 128 results

The government has addressed most of the short-term COVID-19 financial pressures facing English councils, but problems loom in 2022-23 and beyond


The COVID-19 crisis has both created billions of pounds of new costs for and demands on councils’ budgets and has hit many of their sources of income. We find that across the sector as a whole, the government has largely addressed forecast pressures in 2020-21. However, financial pressures have been, and will continue to be, uneven across councils. As a result, underlying the aggregate picture, many councils still face at least some shortfall this year – particularly among shire districts.

19 March 2021

Extra funding will help English councils this year, but big questions remain for 2021 and beyond


Last week saw significant political debate about the amount of extra funding being given to English councils moving into tier 3 (‘very high alert’) of the government’s COVID alert system. Most of the attention focused on funding to help pay for additional business support measures – such as grants for businesses legally able to open but facing big falls in demand – on top of those being funded directly by central government.

29 October 2020

Bank notes

Sharing prosperity? Options and issues for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund


European Structural and Investment (ESI) funds help to pay for initiatives supporting business development, research and development, investment in digital and green infrastructure, as well skills and training interventions and support for job-seekers. But with the UK having formally departed the European Union, the country will stop receiving new ESI funding at the end of 2020. Thus, for 2021 and beyond, the UK government faces choices over what to replace ESI funding with.

13 July 2020

Revaluation and reform of council tax in Wales: impacts on different councils and household types


Council tax bands in Wales are based on property values in April 2003 – 17 years ago. That is more up to date than in England and Scotland, where they are based on values in April 1991 (almost 30 years ago!). But it is still enough time for the relative values of different properties to change significantly: for example, official estimates suggest that while average prices had doubled since 2003 across Wales as a whole by the end of 2019, those in Blaenau Gwent had risen 171% compared with just 77% in Wrexham.

30 April 2020

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What do the election manifestos mean for local government funding?


Local government funding is rarely a major battleground in election campaigns. This ‘rule’ appears to be holding in the current campaign, despite evident pressures in areas like adults’ and children’s social care services, following a decade of cuts to councils’ funding.  This observation looks at the plans for English local government funding set out in the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat manifestos – which differ vastly.

2 December 2019

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The outlook for councils’ funding: is austerity over?

Book Chapter
A growing elderly population, increases in the number of disabled adults, and increases in wage and other costs, mean that English councils will likely need billions in extra funding over the next parliament if they are to meet the rising costs of providing adult social care.

11 November 2019

English council funding: what’s happened and what’s next?


We are in the midst of major changes to local government funding – both its level and the system for raising and distributing it. This note brings together some of the key findings of our research on this topic and highlights where to find further information.

29 May 2019

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The impacts of localised council tax support schemes


Five years on from the localisation and funding cut for Council Tax Support, this report looks at how local authorities’ Council Tax Support schemes have evolved since they were first introduced, and at the changing effects of these scheme choices on claimants and on local authorities.

29 January 2019

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The Fair Funding Review: accounting for resources


English local government finance is part way through a series of major changes that will see its focus shift from being based on redistribution according to spending needs, towards more emphasis on providing financial incentives to tackle needs and boost local revenue-raising capacity. However, that does not mean that redistribution will cease to play any role in the local government finance system: abolishing it completely would see very large variations in different councils’ ability to fund local services.

22 August 2018