A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

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Showing 581 – 600 of 1348 results

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Corporation tax changes and challenges


Corporate tax has rarely received as much attention as in recent years. The coalition government has enacted a series of policy changes – the most prominent being an 8 percentage point cut in the main rate – with an explicit aim of increasing the competitiveness of the UK’s corporate tax system. In this election briefing note, we review the policy changes since 2010 and assess where this leaves the UK regime in an international context.

26 February 2015

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Housing: trends in prices, costs and tenure


This briefing note looks at changes in the cost of housing for different groups, before looking at changes in housing circumstances, with a focus on tenure and dwelling size, and exploring the policy challenges that these trends present.

19 February 2015

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IFS Green Budget 2015


The report analyses the issues and challenges facing Chancellor George Osborne as he prepares for his final Budget of this parliament.

4 February 2015

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Benefit spending and reforms: the coalition government's record


The coalition government has implemented changes to the benefit system that mean spending in 2015–16 will be £16.7 billion (7%) lower than it would otherwise have been. Real terms benefit spending, however, is forecast to be almost exactly the same in 2015–16 as it was in 2010–11, at £220 billion. This reflects the effect of underlying economic and demographic factors which are pushing up spending – most importantly an ageing population, but also weak wage growth and rising private rents.

28 January 2015

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UK consumer price statistics: a review


The UK Statistics Authority published the independent review of UK consumer prices statistics led by Paul Johnson, Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, on 8 January 2015. The full report and an executive summary are available via the links on the right-hand side of this page. Further information is also available in a news release also published on 8 January 2015.

8 January 2015

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Fetal Origins of Personality: Effects of Early Life Circumstances on Adult Personality Traits


In this paper we look at whether conditions in early life can have persistent influence on the development of personality traits, as has been shown to be the case for health and cognitive skills. We find strong and robust evidence of persistent impacts among siblings of early life rainfall fluctuations on measures of latent personality trait, known as core self-evaluation, in adulthood.

5 January 2015

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Child development and policy interventions in developing countries


Early childhood is a period of rapid growth and development, which lays the foundations for later life, but it is also a period in which children are at their most vulnerable. Poverty, poor nutrition and under-stimulating and unhygienic surroundings, which affect millions of children in developing countries, hamper and stifle child health and development.

12 December 2014

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Does GP Practice Size Matter? GP Practice Size and the Quality of Primary Care


This report examines trends in the organisation of general practitioner (GP) practices in England between 2004 and 2010, and the relationship between practice size and two indicators of the quality of care: Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) scores; emergency inpatient admissions for ambulatory care sensitive (ACS) conditions. We also examine the relationship between practice size and outpatient referral behaviour.

20 November 2014

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The Costs and Benefits of Different Initial Teacher Training Routes


This report provides the first evidence of the relative cost-effectiveness of different routes into teaching in England, describing and empirically estimating the costs and benefits of different routes into teaching while accounting, as far as possible, for the selection of teachers with different characteristics into each route.

10 November 2014