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Showing 541 – 560 of 1348 results

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An assessment of the potential compensation provided by the new ‘National Living Wage’ for the personal tax and benefit measures announced for implementation in the current parliament


This briefing note, prepared for the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee, documents the estimated distributional impact of the tax and benefit changes that have been announced for implementation in the current parliament. It then considers the extent to which households might expect the net losses from these changes to be offset through increased wages as a result of the large increase in the minimum wage for those aged 25 and over that was announced in the July 2015 Budget.

9 September 2015

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Where next for pensioner living standards?


The last 50 years has seen a dramatic increase in pensioner incomes and decline in pensioner poverty rates. But what are the prospects for the future? This Round-Up, published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, draws together the key findings from a programme of work led by the IFS which looked at the prospects for future pensioner living standards.

1 September 2015

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Baseline report: Sustainable Total Sanitation - Nigeria


This report, written in collaboration with Indepth Precision Consulting, Nigeria, presents a detailed description of the baseline data collected as part of the Formal Research Component of WaterAid UK's Project “Sustainable Total Sanitation Nigeria -implementation, learning, research, and influence on practice and policy" (STS Nigeria), funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

20 August 2015

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Do Schools Reinforce or Reduce Learning Gaps between Advantaged and Disadvantaged Students? Evidence from Vietnam and Peru


This paper examines – for two developing countries, Vietnam and Peru – whether disadvantaged children learn less than advantaged children when both types of children are enrolled in the same school. The paper examines six different definitions of advantage, based on household wealth, cognitive skills at age 5, gender, ethnicity (Peru only), maternal education, and nutritional status.

15 July 2015

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The costs and benefits of investing in a toilet


Researchers at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) are working on a number of sanitation evaluation studies, two of them in India (in the states of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu) and one in Nigeria (in Enugu and Ekiti). In this short review the authors discuss the types of sanitation interventions that will be evaluated in the context of these studies.

8 July 2015

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Extended family networks and household well-being: evidence from Malawi


In this note, the authors provide evidence indicating that extended families are important in this context, before demonstrating that it is vital to understand their effects on household well-being, and that there is a role for government intervention. The authors further summarise work undertaken by EDePo that shows the need to incorporate the extended family in order to design effective policies and interventions.

8 July 2015

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Peer effects in development programme awareness of vulnerable groups in rural Tanzania


This working paper was published in February 2014 by the Centre for the Study of African Economies at the University of Oxford. In the paper, Manski's (1993) standard linear-in-means model is used to estimate endogenous peer effects on the awareness of vulnerable groups on Tanzania Social Action Fund II (TASAFII), i.e. Tanzania's flagship community-driven development programme.

2 July 2015

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Female Labour Supply, Human Capital and Welfare Reform


We estimate a dynamic model of employment, human capital accumulation - including education, and savings for women in the UK, exploiting policy changes. This was first published as an NBER working paper in March 2015.

22 June 2015

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Mobility of public and private sector workers


There were large cuts to the public workforce over the last parliament during a period of fiscal consolidation. The pace of public workforce cuts is likely to accelerate over the new parliament. This Briefing Note, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), looks at the movement between jobs, or ‘mobility’, of workers in the public and private sectors. It sets out the extent to which reductions in the public workforce to date have been delivered by freezing recruitment of new workers and not replacing workers who move to non-employment, and through more workers moving from the public sector to the private sector than moving in the other direction.

16 June 2015

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The 16 to 19 bursary fund: impact evaluation


This report analyses the impact of abolishing the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) in 2011. We show that this reduced Year 12 participation by around 1.5 percentage points.

15 June 2015