A crowded street


Presentations given at IFS and external events can be found here. Some will include video footage of the event.

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Showing 461 – 480 of 1365 results

Presentation graphic

Does Starbucks pay enough tax?


This presentation was given by Rachel Griffith as the Royal Economic Society annual lecture on 24 November 2015.

18 December 2015

Presentation graphic

The impacts of changes to social rents policy


This presentation was delivered at the annual Stock Retaining Authorities' conference, organised by HouseMark in association with the Association of Retained Council Housing, in Coventry on 3rd December 2015.

8 December 2015

Presentation graphic

Local government: a devolution revolution?


This presentation was given to the Local Government Association's County Council's network on the potential impact of recent and proposed changes to local government finance on county councils.

1 December 2015

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Taxing the wealthy


This presentation was given at a meeting of the Addington Society on 'UK tax - should the wealthy pay more?' held in London on 30 November 2015.

30 November 2015

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School funding reform


Presented at the IFS Post-Spending Review/Autumn Statement Analysis on 26 November, 2015.

26 November 2015

Presentation graphic

Attitudes towards saving


This presentation was given at an event to launch a report on the evolution of wealth and attitudes towards saving, at the Institute for Fiscal Studies on 19 November 2015.

19 November 2015