A crowded street


Presentations given at IFS and external events can be found here. Some will include video footage of the event.

Presentation: all content

Showing 441 – 460 of 1365 results

Presentation graphic

Early childhood development


This presenatation was prepared for the IFS public economics lectures, held in London on 7 January 2016.

26 February 2016

Presentation graphic

Global and UK outlook


This presentation was given at the launch of the IFS Green Budget 2016.

8 February 2016

Presentation graphic

Risks to spending


This presentation was given at the launch of the IFS Green Budget 2016.

8 February 2016

Presentation graphic

Excise duties


This presentation was given at the launch of the Green Budget 2016.

8 February 2016

Presentation graphic

Labour supply, taxes and benefits


This presentation was given by William Elming at the IFS public economics lectures, held in London on 7 January 2016.

7 January 2016