At this event, researchers from the Centre for Tax Analysis in Developing Countries (TaxDev) presented work which considers the fiscal and tax policy challenges and opportunities facing countries in Africa, focusing on the overall fiscal outlook, motor taxation, property taxation and reform of the global corporate income tax system. The event concluded with a panel discussion where policymakers and experts from TaxDev’s partner countries gave their views on the issues raised in the presentations and the other revenue challenges and opportunities they face.
You can watch the full video of the event below, or download the slides used here:
- Fiscal consolidation after COVID-19: issues and policy options in SSA (Ross Warwick, IFS)
- Motoring taxes in sub-Saharan Africa: an opportunity for a double dividend? (Vedanth Nair, IFS)
- What does the global tax deal mean for lower-income countries? (Iain Steel, ODI)
- Property Taxes: A Tool to Raise Revenue? (Anne Brockmeyer, IFS)