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How rich are you?


How rich do you think you are, compared to everyone else in the UK? Do you feel pretty well-off, rather poor, or just 'in the middle'? It's a simple enough question, but you may be surprised by the answer. Today, the IFS launches its first ever iPhone app, which estimates where in the income distribution you and your household fit in.

14 July 2011

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Top income growth drives rise in income inequality under Labour


Today the IFS published a detailed examination of what happened to living standards, to poverty and to inequality over Labour's 13 years in office. Amongst other findings, this shows that income inequality rose under Labour. Much of the explanation for this can be found in the fast growth in the incomes of the very richest, and in particular of the incomes of just the top one or two percent. These very high earners have seen their incomes pull away from those of the large majority.

13 May 2011

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Poverty and Inequality in the UK: 2011


In this Commentary, we assess the changes to average incomes, inequality and poverty that have occurred since 1997, with a particular focus on the changes that have occurred in the latest year of data (2009-10).

13 May 2011

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Many unanswered questions over EMA successor


Yesterday, the Government announced the details of a new bursary scheme to replace the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA). The funding for this will total £180m, of which £15m is reserved for a £1,200 annual grant for vulnerable children. The remaining £165m will form a discretionary fund that schools and colleges will distribute to students deemed to have the greatest need. In this observation, we analyse how this fund could be structured and its potential impact on students.

29 March 2011

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Pupil premium: simple and transparent financial incentive


The Government has announced a pupil premium of £430 per pupil eligible for free school meals no matter where they live in England. This is a simple and transparent policy, which should make the financial incentives generated by the pupil premium that much clearer. The combination of a freeze in existing funding per pupil and the new pupil premium means that less deprived schools will see larger cuts than more deprived schools, some of whom will receive a small increase in funding.

15 December 2010

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Australia and the UK: different experiences of private schooling


As part of an international collaboration funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Australian Research Council, researchers at the IFS and the Australian National University have sought to compare the nature of private schooling in both Australia and the UK.

17 June 2010

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Private schooling in the UK and Australia


The type of school a child attends is known to impact on educational attainment and later life outcomes. But there is very little persuasive empirical evidence (although widespread and varied anecdotal evidence) on why parents opt to take their children outside the state system.

17 June 2010