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Event graphic

ADBI-Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Roundtable on Sanitation and Development

Event 20 April 2021 at 02:00 <p>Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.</p>
Sanitation gaps are a global problem that continue to affect large segments of developing Asia and the Pacific, despite the considerable progress of efforts to address it in recent decades. The COVID-19 crisis has further increased the importance of improving inclusive sanitation access and the lives of targeted users, especially across poor areas and vulnerable groups.

Challenges of adopting coronavirus precautions in low-income countries


With no vaccination available, scientists recommend non-pharmaceutical interventions – in particular, handwashing, social distancing, and the shielding of elderly and vulnerable groups – as the only feasible way of suppressing the spread of COVID-19, and lessening its mortality rate. Such measures, when extensively and strictly enforced, appear to have been effective in stemming the spread of the virus in South Korea and China, and there are promising early signs of their effectiveness in Italy too.

30 March 2020

Working paper graphic

Does Information Break the Political Resource Curse? Experimental Evidence from Mozambique

Working Paper

The political resource curse is the idea that natural resources can lead to the deterioration of public policies through corruption and rent-seeking by those closest to political power. One prominent consequence is the emergence of conflict. This paper takes this theory to the data for the case of Mozambique, where a substantial discovery of natural gas recently took place.

22 January 2019

Working paper graphic

Measuring and Changing Control: Women's Empowerment and Targeted Transfers

Working Paper

This paper studies how targeted cash transfers to women a ffect their empowerment. We use a novel identifi cation strategy to measure women's willingness to pay to receive cash transfers instead of their partner receiving it. We apply this among women living in poor households in urban Macedonia.

2 March 2016