Time of event
20th April - 01:00 - 02:30 (AM) UK Time
21st April - 11:00 - 12:30 UK Time
Sanitation gaps are a global problem that continue to affect large segments of developing Asia and the Pacific, despite the considerable progress of efforts to address it in recent decades. The COVID-19 crisis has further increased the importance of improving inclusive sanitation access and the lives of targeted users, especially across poor areas and vulnerable groups.
This interactive ADBI-Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation roundtable, organized in collaboration with the Institute for Fiscal Studies, will be moderated by an experienced TV presenter and assess the outlook for sanitation services delivery, financing, and its socioeconomic impacts in the region via a TV show format suitable for a mainstream, non-technical audience.
- Examine outstanding challenges to clean water and sanitation access in developing Asia and the Pacific
- Identify evidence-based solutions for accelerating inclusive and sustainable sanitation delivery in underserved areas of the region
- Highlight the potential socioeconomic impacts of greater sanitation development, with a focus on public health, education, gender equality, employment, and migration
- Policy makers, researchers, representatives from non-governmental organizations, development agencies, and the private sector, students, and interested members of the public
- Enhanced understanding of Asia and the Pacific’s sanitation development and viable and inclusive policy solutions moving forward
- Greater impetus for sanitation policy research, dialogue, and collaboration between stakeholders
- Webinar recording to be uploaded on ADBI website
- ADBI policy brief based on the outcomes of the roundtable
- Policy messages from the event will inform the Kumamoto Summit in April 2022, to be hosted by the Asia Pacific Water Forum