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    Showing 1 – 20 of 40 results

    Event graphic

    ADBI-Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Roundtable on Sanitation and Development

    Event 20 April 2021 at 02:00 <p>Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.</p>
    Sanitation gaps are a global problem that continue to affect large segments of developing Asia and the Pacific, despite the considerable progress of efforts to address it in recent decades. The COVID-19 crisis has further increased the importance of improving inclusive sanitation access and the lives of targeted users, especially across poor areas and vulnerable groups.
    Working paper graphic

    Complementarities in the Production of Child Health

    Working Paper

    This paper estimates flexible child health production functions to investigate whether better water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices make nutrition intake more productive for children aged 6-24 months.

    14 June 2019

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    Can Micro-Credit Support Public Health Subsidy Programs?

    Working Paper

    The low take-up of cost-effective and highly subsidised preventive health technologies in low-income countries remains a puzzle. In this paper we analyse whether, and how, micro- finance supports a large public health subsidy program in the developing world - the Swachh Bharat Mission - in achieving its aim of increasing uptake of individual household latrines.

    8 May 2019

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    Labelled Loans, Credit Constraints and Sanitation Investments

    Working Paper

    Credit constraints are considered to be an important barrier hindering adoption of preventive health investments among low-income households in developing countries. We find labelling loans is a viable strategy to improve uptake of lumpy preventive health investments.

    7 May 2019

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    Group Size and the Efficiency of Informal Risk Sharing

    Journal article

    This paper studies the relationship between group size and informal risk sharing. It shows that under limited commitment with coalitional deviations, this relationship is theoretically ambiguous.

    13 June 2018

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    Methods to identify linear network models: a review

    Journal article

    In many contexts we may be interested in understanding whether direct connections between agents, such as declared friendships in a classroom or family links in a rural village, affect their outcomes. In this paper, we review the literature studying econometric methods for the analysis of linear models of social effects.

    16 May 2018

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    Spillovers of community based health interventions on consumption smoothing

    Working Paper

    Community-based interventions, particularly group-based ones, are considered to be a cost-effective way of delivering interventions in low-income settings. However, design features of these programs could also influence dimensions of household and community behaviour beyond those targeted by the intervention. This paper studies spillover effects of a participatory community health intervention in rural Malawi, implemented through a cluster randomised control trial, on an outcome not directly targeted by the intervention: household consumption smoothing after crop losses.

    18 October 2016

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    Group size and the efficiency of informal risk sharing

    Working Paper

    The objective of this paper is to understand and test empirically the relationship between group size and informal risk sharing. Models of informal risk sharing with limited commitment and grim-trigger punishments upon deviation imply that larger groups provide better informal insurance.

    16 October 2015