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Showing 1 – 3 of 3 results

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Inaugural IFS postdoc workshop

Workshop4 July 2024 at 12:30Institute for Fiscal Studies
This academic workshop on applied public and labour economics will feature presentations by alumni of the IFS postdoc scheme.

All past events

Showing 281 – 300 of 693 results

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Beyond Average Impacts: Understanding Why Policies Work (Or Not)

Event26 September 2016 at 18:30<p>UCL, Gower Street, London.</p>
As part of the "What Works Global Summit" series, this presentation will use EDePo’s sanitation work as an example of how a research agenda developed (and in fact is developing) and will focus on specific questions around impact and policy evaluation.
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IFS residential conference 2016 ‘Corporate tax avoidance: where next for policy and practice?’

Event9 September 2016 at 10:00<p><span class="light lightgrey sans small">Magdalen College, Oxford, OX1 4AU, United Kingdom </span></p>
Every two years, IFS holds a residential conference, aiming to facilitate high-level knowledge exchange between practitioners, policymakers and academics on key areas of policy and practice. This year we will consider how anti-avoidance measures are designed, how governments’ and businesses’ perspectives on tax avoidance are changing, and what we can expect from international efforts going forward.
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Determining “what works” in local councils – the case of ‘Street Champions’ in Lambeth

Event11 July 2016 at 10:30<p>Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ</p>
At this event, we will be launching the first set of results to come out of the evaluation on different ways to get citizens more involved in the delivery of public services. IFS researchers will present the empirical results and policy implications of the evaluation, whilst representatives from Lambeth Council will talk about their experience of the trial.
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CIOT/IFS Debate: Pensions and Savings: What role for the tax system?

Event4 July 2016 at 19:30<p>8 John Adam Street</p> <p>London</p> <p>WC2N 6EZ</p>
This is the seventh in a series of lectures and debates being organised by the CIOT and the IFS to promote debate among policy-makers, opinion-formers and the wider tax and economics communities on the future of the UK and international tax systems.
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Introduction to impact assessment

Event9 June 2016 at 10:45<p>7 Ridgmount Street, London WC1E 7AE</p>
The course will introduce the various quantitative methods that can be used to estimate the causal impact of a policy intervention. The aim is to give participants an understanding of the suitability of these empirical methods given the nature of the policy under consideration and the available data.
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The early years: child well-being and the role of public policy

Event9 June 2016 at 10:00<p>10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH</p>
The "The early years: child well-being and the role of public policy" conference will be held on 9 and 10 June 2016 at the British Academy. The focus of the conference will be on lessons that can be learned from the literature on the early years, their long term consequences, and the potential role for policy.
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The Bean Review of Economic Statistics: Making it Happen

Event16 May 2016 at 12:0012 Errol Street London EC1Y 8LX
Following the publication of the final recommendations of the Independent Review of Economic Statistics by Professor Sir Charles Bean, the Royal Statistical Society (RSS), the Royal Economic Society (RES) and the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) invite you to a one day conference to discuss what should be done next to implement the recommendations to develop innovative new ways of measuring the economy. The day will focus on four topics which the review identified as critical areas for further work, and will consider how the wider professional community of economists and statisticians can help develop workable solutions for the Office for National Statistics to implement the review recommendations.
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CIOT/IFS Debate- Mind The Gaps? What are the biggest risks to the UK tax take and how might tax policy and administration respond to this?

Event26 April 2016 at 19:00<p>8 John Adam Street</p> <p>London</p> <p>WC2N 6EZ</p>
Join ​a ​panel ​of ​leading ​economists ​and ​tax ​professionals ​to ​explore ​this ​thought-provoking ​topic ​at ​a ​debate ​organised ​by ​the ​Chartered ​Institute ​of ​Taxation ​and ​the ​Institute ​for ​Fiscal ​Studies. ​
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Fiscal Studies special issue launch: Household wealth data and public policy

Event19 April 2016 at 10:30<p>One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA</p>
This event launched a special issue of the journal Fiscal Studies on “Household Wealth Data and Public Policy”. The volume contains contributions from leading academics (including Richard Blundell and Anthony Atkinson) and from research staff at the Bank of England and Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve.
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ETPF/IFS Conference: BEPS and Beyond

Event18 April 2016 at 10:30<p>12 Great George Street, Parliament Square,&nbsp;London,&nbsp;SW1P 3AD</p>
This conference is jointly organised by the IFS and ETPF.
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Scotland's Fiscal Future (London event)

Event23 March 2016 at 09:3028 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JS
After months of difficult negotiations, a new Fiscal Framework for Scotland to accompany its new tax and welfare powers has been agreed. In this event, David Bell(University of Stirling and the Centre on Constitutional Change), David Eiser (University of Stirling and the Centre on Constitutional Change) and David Phillips (Institute for Fiscal Studies) will examine the agreement, paying particular attention to one key part: the adjustments to Scotland's block grant to account for the devolved revenues and additional spending responsibilities the Scottish Government will soon have.
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Scotland's Fiscal Future

Event22 March 2016 at 10:00<p>Holyrood Rd, Edinburgh EH8 8AS</p>
At this event in Edinburgh, David Phillips from IFS and colleagues from the University of Stirling examined the new fiscal framework, paying particular attention to the adjustments to Scotland's block grant.
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IFS Post-Budget Analysis 2016

Event17 March 2016 at 13:00<p>22 Berners Street</p> <p>London W1T 3DD</p>
On Thursday 17 March IFS researchers presented their analysis of the Chancellor's Budget announcements.
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The incidence and labour market effects of social security contributions

Event29 February 2016 at 10:45<p>7 Ridgmount Street<br />London<br />WC1E 7AE</p>
This two-day academic workshop at the Institute for Fiscal Studies will feature 9 papers on the incidence and labour market effects of SSCs, alongside a panel discussion on directions for future research chaired by Professor Sir Richard Blundell.
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Workforce quality in the public sector

Event19 February 2016 at 09:30<p>7 Ridgmount Street<br />London<br />WC1E 7AE</p>
This workshop draws together recent innovative research on the measurement of public sector workforce quality and of the effect of pay on quality and of quality on outcomes in different parts of the public sector. The workshop will be of interest not just to economists interested in the labour market and in public finance, but also to practitioners working in the field of pay-setting, pay regulation, and public policy.
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IFS Green Budget 2016

Event8 February 2016 at 10:00<p>Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HH</p>
The IFS Green Budget 2016, in association with ICAEW and funded by the Nuffield Foundation, will analyse the issues and challenges facing Chancellor George Osborne.