The tax treatment of different forms of savings varies widely and this can affect the attractiveness of saving in different forms for people in different circumstances. Recent years have seen several major reforms to the tax treatment of different forms of saving, and further changes are currently under consideration. As well as changes to rates, thresholds and limits, these include major structural changes to the taxation of interest, dividends and capital gains, reducing mortgage interest relief for landlords, and a consultation on fundamental reforms to the taxation of pensions. It is therefore crucial to understand what the current tax regime and (actual and hypothetical) reforms imply for incentives to save in different forms.
At this event IFS researchers will present new analysis quantifying the effect of taxes and charges on incentives to save in different forms and assessing both existing tax arrangements and recently announced or proposed reforms.
Taxes are not the only costs faced by savers. The research also shows how fees and charges reduce the return to saving and compare their effects with the effects of taxation.
The event will begin at 10:00am with registration from 9:30am